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Australian Digital Statistics 2014

Social media agency, We Are Social, have just released an excellent SlideShare with heaps of interesting social media, digital and mobile statistics from around the globe.

With 180+ slides, it's a biggie, so we thought we'd highlight some Australian figures. If you'd like to see the full report, you'll find it here.

Smartphone Usage

Australians are spending an average of nearly 2hrs on their smartphone every day. In an always-on world, more consumers are turning to their smartphone for entertainment, news, shopping and other content. Brands need to invest in mobile or find themselves getting left behind by their competitors.


Facebook continues to be the big winner for Australians with nearly 13 Million users. We already know that 53% of Facebook users play games on the site, so, whoever your target audience is, its likely they're on Facebook and they play games there. 

With mobile usage continuing to grow in popularity, many brands are finding games increase loyalty and accelerate brand awareness. If you haven't already, isn't it time you considered a mobile or social game for your brand?

We're Australia's Play Agency. Work with the professionals to create a strategy that works